Final Reply to John Curren Chapman III

Feb 26, 2022

By Justice Anna Von Reitz | Big Lake Alaska

Mankind is given to delusions.

People, generally speaking, have a hard time telling the difference between fact and fiction.

A tree is a fact. A fish is a fact. A man is a fact.

A corporation is a fiction. Corporations are mental constructs. They don’t actually exist and are not part of the natural created world. They have no substance. The Unum Sanctum Trust is a fiction. It was made up by Pope Boniface in 1302, which is a long time ago, but it doesn’t matter how long ago a fiction was created. It’s still fiction, first, last, and always.

If I take a book down off the shelf and tell you, “Hey, this is a good novel. You ought to read it.” — you understand that it is a work of fiction. The characters are all made up out of thin air. The action described never happened. If it refers to an actual time and place, it’s only to create a framework for the fantasy.

The Unam Sanctum Trust is exactly such a fantasy, and no matter how much people may have believed in it, it remains a fantasy by definition. It’s a corporation, like any other trust.

Corporations include trusts, cooperatives, foundations, and a wide range of other “business models” —- and they are all fictional. None of them have standing in the actual world.

John, I hate to break it to you, but you did not create the Universe, so you do not own it.

If you think you own the Unum Sanctum Trust, you are claiming to own a fiction — but you didn’t create that, either, and as it is a fiction, it has no substance outside your head.

Law of Kinds, John.

So, also, you don’t own me or anyone else. You don’t own their souls. You don’t own their land.

And any claim you make otherwise, is fiction— that is, a fantasy. A lie.

You and your cohorts have been called out for believing self-evident nonsense, and all you can do is stomp around like petulant small children, saying, “But it’s real!” — when it’s not.

See this article and over 3600 others on Anna Von Reitz website.

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If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

Are you really required to file a 1040 income tax form with the IRS?

Are you really required to obey draconian codes and statutes issued by the so called “federal government”?

At Anna Von Reitz website you will learn precisely how Americans have been press-ganged into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea and have as a result been attached, attacked, and deprived of their rights and property under conditions of fraud, semantic deceit, and non-disclosure.

At The American States Assembly you will learn the lawful remedies for these problems and crimes committed against Americans. Remember, there is no statute of limitations against the crime of fraud, and that fraud destroys any contract that it touches.

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