Reply to John Chapman, Also Known as “The Devil”

Feb 17, 2022

By Justice Anna Von Reitz | Big Lake Alaska

I don’t see how you can accomplish anything as confused and misinformed as you are. That is a real stumbling block to accomplishment of any kind, much less re-making the world.

I am aware that the Evil Ones adopted “Ucadia” in 2015 and I am aware that you all pirated your own version of Frank’s work and abused it for your purposes — but the fact remains that Frank never gave any of you (or THEM) permission to use as much as one word of his work for any such purpose. You all violated his private copyright and trademarks, which is an international law issue and in the air jurisdiction, a patent issue.

Frank is a brilliant man and learned scholar and a pure heart despite everything he has had to muck through in his life —- but he is also crippled by his indoctrination and years of work within the corrupt Roman Catholic Church hierarchy.

There are some truths exposed by Ucadia — for example, the need for a new ‘time” standard, but as we are talking about something that doesn’t actually exist, and which is a cataloguing device for our own convenience, it is less than urgent.

I replied to their action well-within the ninety (90) day reply period and re- established the sovereignty of the National Governments. And that action is recorded worldwide.

So everyone is having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that they have FAILED, but they have. Remember the Wizard of Oz? The scene where Dorothy grabs a bucket of water to save her friend, the Scarecrow, from burning — and doused the Wicked Witch, too?

All that “beautiful wickedness” —- “melting, melting, melting….” until it’s finally gone in a puff of smoke, because it never really was?

Well, that is your condition, too. Everything you and the Pope and everyone else has done regarding Ucadia and everything else seeking to foist off a Satanic World Government, has been in the realm of the dead, and concerns nothing but legal fictions. It has no substance at all. And I have called you on it.

It’s over. It’s already done. The spell is broken. The fraud is fully revealed on Earth and in Heaven.

The True God, the Lord of Life, accepted Abel’s gifts, not Cain’s sacrifices.

So, now that we have bested you in all jurisdictions, it’s time to fold your tent and go, and it is the responsibility of the Galactic Federation and the Precessional Council to make sure that you do.

See this article and over 3400 others on Anna Von Reitz website.

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If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

Are you really required to file a 1040 income tax form with the IRS?

Are you really required to obey draconian codes and statutes issued by the so called “federal government”?

At Anna Von Reitz website you will learn precisely how Americans have been press-ganged into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea and have as a result been attached, attacked, and deprived of their rights and property under conditions of fraud, semantic deceit, and non-disclosure.

At The American States Assembly you will learn the lawful remedies for these problems and crimes committed against Americans. Remember, there is no statute of limitations against the crime of fraud, and that fraud destroys any contract that it touches.

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