By T. Mendoza Jr.
The purpose of this training course is to provide background understanding relating to the fact that our identity as Americans has been stolen. Understanding that our identity has been stolen goes even deeper as we realize that during the civil war area, the original American Republic has been set aside and effectively replaced with a corporate (for profit) structure.
It is clear that we must reconstruct our Lawful Government in order to bring the correct oversight of our employees back into balance, to bring American Common Law and our courts back into session, and reconstruct our Peacekeeping functions of State Militia, Land and Soil Jurisdiction County Sheriffs, and the Continental Marshals, so that we may address any trespass that occurs within our jurisdiction.
Familiarization with the contents of this training course will provide a “road map” that will enable Americans to more confidently live after they correct their political status, gain understand of self-governance and most importantly, come to value personal responsibility in the pursuit of lawful self-governance.
It is your duty to Uphold the Public Law and Keep the Peace by continues Process of Educating Yourself. Have a fun and mind awakening experience!
Part 1 – History
The Jural Assembly History
March 2019
By Justice Anna Von Reitz | Big Lake Alaska
Q: Who Owns What & How Does Power Flow?
Ans: All the ultimate power is vested in the living people.
The people own and control the soil and operate the soil jurisdiction republican states via organizations like The Texas Republic (soil) and The Republic of Texas (surface water). This is the national jurisdiction that determines all the rest.
These republican states are all members of The United States, an unincorporated Union of unincorporated republican states.
The subservience of the international land jurisdiction underlying the republican states can be demonstrated easily enough. Think of the soil and surface water –- the top six inches of everything you see –as a skin. You can’t get to the land underlying the soil surface without passing through the soil, can you?
So the land jurisdiction State underlying the soil layer is owned, operated, and possessed by the soil jurisdiction republican states that belong to the living people. The international land jurisdiction State controls all the subsurface resources, the minerals and ground water.
This is the realm of the living people and Lawful Persons: soil and land, which includes all the fresh surface water and ground water, too. This is also the realm of the State Assemblies.
Beyond this lies the watery and airy world of the purely fictional States of States, which all function as Legal Persons administered by more Legal Persons.
Originally, the States of States belonged directly to the States. They were commercial corporations chartered, owned, and operated by the States, and members of the Confederation of States doing business as the united States of America.
The original States of States were empowered to conduct all the business of the States in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, and in the global municipal Jurisdiction of the Air, and they did so until the adoption of the Constitution in 1787, when a power sharing arrangement dictated by earlier treaties kicked in.
Thereafter, the original States of States acquired contractual obligations as a group and the united States of America became responsible for providing mutual services and exercising specific “joint powers” on behalf of The United States of America –our Federation of States, under The Constitution for the united States of America.
All States of States are naturally subservient to the States, as can be demonstrated by the fact that no State of State can even be named without the presence of a preexisting State. Just try to have a “State of Florida” without a Florida first? So these entities, too, all ultimately belonged to the people of this country.
Several other powers that were originally exercised by the States of States were ceded to the British Monarch, these included control of the US Navy and Commercial Fleet, and control of our Trade Policies, as well as physical control of our Territorial Possessions, such as Guam and American Samoa. This was done via the Territorial Constitution called “The Constitution of the United States of America”.
This is the entity doing business as “the” United States of America as opposed to the Federation of States doing business as “The United States of America”.
Finally, control of the Washington, DC Municipality was delegated to the Holy Roman Empire through Westminster, with the understanding that the plenary oligarchy established there was to be exercised by the members of the Federal Congress, and the ten miles square was to serve as a neutral meeting space to conduct our country’s international trade and commercial business. This was finalized via “The Constitution of the United States”
This municipal international city-state is what does business as “the” United States, as opposed to our Union of republican states doing business as “The United States”.
Through it all, the people retained the ownership interest and control. All powers flowed directly from the people to the unincorporated Counties to the unincorporated States to the States of States that were chartered and operated by the States themselves, and were consolidated first in the Union of states called The United States, next in the Federation of States called The United States of America, and finally in the Confederation of States of States doing business as the States of America.
Except for the stipulated power-sharing with the British Monarch, which obligated him to act as our Trustee, and a very minor foothold, however strategically placed, for the Holy Roman Empire, the American People owned everything and controlled everything.
It was and is a Government of, for, and by the People—literally, and the international land jurisdiction States played and still play–the lynch pin and leading role.
This is because the States are the fundamental connector between the realm of the people and the soil and the rest of the world. The States stand at the interface between the international land jurisdiction and the international sea jurisdiction. They are both the bulwark against encroachment by incorporated entities and the comptroller of all our worldly business interests.
The actual States are the key to running the whole government properly, and the Assemblies are the key to running the States.
Now you can see why those who wish to undermine our government also seek to keep everyone confused and bent of creating more State of State organizations instead of assembling the actual States belonging to the Union.
So long as we chase our tails and create States of States, we can be attacked and our efforts nullified, but if we stand on the solid ground of the land and soil and assemble our actual States, the jig is up.
There is a vast difference between a State Assembly and a State of State Assembly. One is composed of Lawful Persons, American State Citizens, and the other is composed of Legal Persons, United States Citizens.
The State Assembly owns and controls the State of State, so the decisions of the State Assembly –should they be contrary in vision or particulars –automatically overrule the actions and druthers of the State of State Assembly.
This is called “Checks and Balances” and was built into every level of the government we are heir to.
This is a matter of the actual owners taking care of business and telling the Hired Help what to do; when the State Assembly speaks, the State of State Assembly has to obey.
The Hired Help at the State of State level too often wish to usurp the role of the actual owners and tell us what to do, and also seek to benefit themselves surreptitiously from the unobstructed use of our public property and other assets.
Those who wish to act as US Citizens and create new States of State are competing against the existing States of State, like any two commercial corporations competing for the same contract. This activity naturally draws the attention and adversity of the current contractor and leads to the arrest and abuse of those organizing such efforts.
Those who act as American State Citizens and who assemble the actual States are acting in a totally different and higher capacity that does not compete with any State of State organization, but which does hold the authority to tell the State of State what to do, both in general and in specifics.
The actual State Assembly composed of American State Citizens has the authority to tell the State of State Governor how high to jump, how to administer the State resources, what fees and charges the People will accept and what services they will receive–or not–from the State of State.
It is precisely this role of the State Citizens and the State Assembly that has stood empty for too long, leaving the people of this country without a voice and without control over the succession of mostly foreign commercial corporations that have edged in here since the Civil War and operated as States of States.
You are being called to act as State Assemblymen and Assemblywomen, not State of State Assembly members.
This distinction is of ultimate importance in terms of both your experience and the benefit to your State and your Country.
Sure, we can all agree that the services of the States of State organizations need vast improvement. Sure, we can all agree that new service providers or at least better informed and better directed service providers are needed, but at the end of the day, that’s quibbling among the Hired Help. It’s not the voice of the actual Employers coming forward nor is it the sound of the Employers putting their flat feet down–and that is what is needed.
We cannot go on another hundred years letting the tail wag the dog or being endlessly confused about the difference between the actual State and the State of State organizations we employ to do work for us.
Put simply: the actual State is populated by Lawful Persons who are American State Citizens; the State of State commercial corporations that we either create or hire to provide us with services are populated by Legal Persons who are US Citizens of one kind or another.
As you can see from the title of all these articles, you are being called to act in the capacity of Lawful Persons, as Employers, and as American State Citizens.
We are not calling for local chapters of the current States of State commercial corporations to assemble, nor asking for input from our Employees, the US Citizens among us.
We are calling the actual States and People of this country to assemble. We are calling upon those who can and will expatriate from all Territorial and Municipal United States Citizenship to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction and take care of business.
The three diagrams below related to the above materials.
Next, Vital points of History to remember.
1. The United States (unincorporated) was formed on July 1, 1776, as a result of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence. The members of this Union were all Colonies and they also operated as “the United Colonies of America”. This is not to be confused with Benjamin Franklin’s private business (also unincorporated) doing business as “the” United States.
2. The United States of America (unincorporated) was formed on September 9, 1776 by declaration of the Continental (that’s land jurisdiction) Congress. This Holding Company is a Federation of unincorporated geographically defined States: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, etc.
3. The States of America (unincorporated) was formed March 1, 1781, by Agreement of the States ratified as The Articles of Confederation. This was a Confederacy of States of States created to conduct commercial business in behalf of the Federation States. The members of this original Confederacy went by names like this: The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, The State of Main…
4. The original Confederation adopted and became the recipients of the service contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of America” in 1787. If you can read and know anything at all about English grammar you can observe from this that the word “united” is used here as an adjective to describe “States of America” and references their “union” created under The Articles of Confederation. This Confederacy of “States of States” is the actual Party to the 1787 Constitution.
5. In 1860-61, the Southern States of States in the original Confederacy left the organization doing business as the “States of America” — “seceded from it” — and formed a new and separate confederacy called “The Confederate States of America”.
6. The entire Civil War was thus a commercial mercenary conflict between the Northern States of States operating under the States of America Confederacy and the Southern States of States operating under The Confederate States of America.
7. After the end of hostilities the British Monarch saw his chance to pull a fast one, claim that the Federal States of States were under “Reconstruction” and then, very quietly, create an incorporated Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America” [Incorporated] and substituting franchises of this corporation [formed in Scotland in 1868 — we have the paperwork and proof] for the original Federal States of States. Thus, “The State of Florida” owned and operated by Florida for the benefit of Floridians, was moth-balled, and a Territorial franchise corporation calling itself by the deceptively similar name “the State of Florida” owned and operated by the Scottish Government for the benefit of the British Monarch and United Kingdom, took its place —- and generations of Americans have been kept none the wiser.
And, here is the plan to finish the Reconstruction
What I am going to observe to you today is going to change your world. It’s going to change the way you look at things. And hopefully, it’s going to light a fire under your tail. Remember studying about the Civil War? Remember studying about the “Reconstruction” afterward? The Reconstruction never ended. , and it never got finished. 150 years later.
Why? Because evil men in Parliament and traitors and fools in Washington, DC chose not to finish the task that they were morally and lawfully and legally mandated to do. Britain and France both gained influence and were able to pull off con games against this country that made these European Freebooters rich at our expense and which embroiled us, their own countries, and most of the rest of the world in endless wars for profit.
Who is at the bottom of this? Bankers, The bankers influence the politicians and the politicians influence the military, and pretty soon — there you have it: endless greed giving rise to endless war.
Your mission is to finish the Reconstruction that began in 1865.
The situation is too complex to describe in a Facebook post or email among friends. I just want to observe a couple things for you as mental preparation— a framework. The first thing is that the entire job of the “Federal Government” was to exercise the “Delegated Powers”. Those nineteen “Delegated Powers” all exist in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Even the “interstate commerce clause” exists in that jurisdiction, because our states are also nations. Everything that the Federal Government was ever mandated to do, is thus supposed to be of an international nature and was meant to be limited to the nineteen functions assigned to them.
To enable the Federal Government to do its work a National Level Government peculiar to them and dedicated to performing only the assigned tasks was established. Because we already had “territories” back in the 1790’s and because of the need to function on the High Seas and Inland Waterways, a Territorial Level Government was also established.
Finally, to operate the new capitol as a place where all the States and people could congregate on an Equal Footing, a Municipal Level Government was established and the members of Congress were entrusted to run the municipal government for the capitol city. (Article I, Section 8, Clause 17).
As a result, there were three levels of government established to function together as the Federal Government: national, territorial, and municipal and all designed to do one thing: exercise the Delegated Powers in behalf of the States. The National Government was supposed to control and direct the functions of the Territorial Government and the Territorial Government was supposed to host and protect the Municipal Government, like a set of nesting dolls.
Taken altogether, this Federal Government exercising only the Delegated Powers, is called The United States. It may be the National United States, the Territorial United States, or the Municipal United States that we are talking about when we say, “United States”.
And here’s the really odd part: the National Government was run and controlled by the States, but the Territorial Government was run by England as part of the horse-trading to end the Revolutionary War. So from the very start, the Territorial Government was under foreign control.
Now— keep in mind that above and beyond the Federal Government that was designed to exercise the Delegated Powers, there is a government that delegated those Powers in the first place.
That government is the original “Holding Company” known as The United States of America, which was formed by the States on September 9, 1776.
The United States of America holds all the international and global powers that the States decided to share in common, and it is the entity that then delegates the Delegated Powers to the three different levels or “branches” of the Federal Government.
Think of the individual States, like Florida and Maryland, pouring their international and global powers into a tank labeled “The United States of America”. Picture those powers being separated into two bins labeled “International” and “Global”. Then imagine the International bin being separated into two more bins labeled “Delegated” and “Non-Delegated”. And finally, imagine the “Delegated Powers” being shunted into a bin labeled “Federal Government” that is divided into smaller “National”, “Territorial” and “Municipal” bins.
The “National” bin is composed of “States of States” doing business as The State of Florida, The State of Michigan, The State of Ohio….
The “Territorial” bin is composed of other “Territorial States of States” doing business as the State of Florida, State of Michigan, State of Ohio. (Notice the subtle difference.)
Originally, the “Municipal” bin was just the City of Washington, DC. Over time, it usurped power and created “Municipal STATES OF STATES” doing business as STATE OF FLORIDA, STATE OF MICHIGAN….
Neither the Territorial States of States nor the Municipal STATES OF STATES were ever allowed to exist under our actual Constitutions. They were created “by necessity” — or rather, by British greed and immorality — after the Civil War, which resulted in our National Level States of States being moth-balled and their assets rolled over into State Land Trusts doing business as, for example, the Florida State, Michigan States and the British controlled Territorial Government taking over “for” us.
Your Mission is to Assemble your State Jural Assembly for Florida, Michigan, Ohio….. and to restore your National Level State of State doing business as The State of Florida, The State of Michigan, The State of Ohio…..and finish the Reconstruction begun in 1865.
Please Note: Your Sign In America certificate required to join the American State National Vendor card program. Next, take Part1 Quiz at
If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.
Are you really required to file a 1040 income tax form with the IRS?
Are you really required to obey draconian codes and statutes issued by the so called “federal government”?
At Anna Von Reitz website you will learn precisely how Americans have been press-ganged into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea and have as a result been attached, attacked, and deprived of their rights and property under conditions of fraud, semantic deceit, and non-disclosure.
At The American States Assembly you will learn the lawful remedies for these problems and crimes committed against Americans. Remember, there is no statute of limitations against the crime of fraud, and that fraud destroys any contract that it touches.